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eFileCA Maintenance :

Please be advised that a planned maintenance is scheduled for Odyssey eFileCA on Saturday, February 8, 2025, from 5:30 am to 6:30 am, PST. E-Filing will not be available during this time. Tyler Technologies eFileCA may be reached at or by calling 1-800-297-5377.

Court Reporter

Court Reporter Services

Court Reporter and Interpreter Services (CRIS) is part of the Operations Support Division. Our Mission Statement is to serve the court and community through the preservation of the official court record and by providing language assistance to the Limited English Proficient (LEP) court users and hearing impaired.

Court Reporters

Official Court Reporters for Merced County Superior Court provide the verbatim record of court proceedings in felony criminal and juvenile dependency cases. Court Reporters may be provided in other areas as provided by statute and/or local rule so long as an Official Court Reporter is available.

Click on topics below for more information.

To be employed by Merced Superior court, a court reporter must possess a valid Certified Shorthand Reporter (CSR) license, which is granted to successful candidates who pass the examination administered by the Department of Consumer Affairs of the State of California.  

The Merced Superior Court also employs licensed pro tem court reporters from time to time.  

The proceedings for which official court reporters shall normally be provided is posted under "Court Reporters" tab. Civil Litigants will be required to make arrangements with certified court reporters from private reporting firms if the services of an official court reporter are not available for a hearing or trial in a civil case. It will be the party’s responsibility to pay the court reporter’s fee for attendance at the proceedings, but the expense may be recoverable as part of the costs, as provided by law.

It is further noticed that the stenographic notes of the certified shorthand reporter are the official records of the Court and shall be secured by the court in either paper and/or electronic format in accordance with California Government Code Section 69955(a), (b), (c) and (d).

Superior Court of California, County of Merced
Official Reporter/Official Pro Tempore Electronic Note Upload/Archiving Policy

The Merced Superior court has retained the imaging Technology Group “ACORN” to store court reporter notes electronically. All court reporters reporting a Merced Superior Court matter, whether privately retained or as an employee or contractor of the court, are required to upload stenotype notes to ACORN and comply with all court requirements. This is true regardless of case type or length of the matter.
Each reporter must:

  • Name the note file as follows: YEAR (4-digit), period, MONTH (2-digit), period, Day (2 digit), D# (Department you’re in), (Session) AM/PM. For example: 2017.04.01D4AM. If you create a separate file for your 10 o’clock calendar then you would name it as follows: 2017.04.01D4_10. (with underscore 10)
  • Under case number, identify the specific case number if there was only one matter on calendar. Or if it is a morning session, indicate “Calendar.”
  • In the comment area, note the assignment type – arraignment, ex-parte, or party names. For example: “Jones vs. Jones” “Ex-Parte – Chevron v Simpson.”
  • Per Diem reporters need to indicate their name, CSR # and CAT system used.
  • Be aware that if the timestamp on the stenotype machine is not accurate, the ACORN electronic note storage system will not file the notes correctly. In that instance, correct your notes in the ACORN system at the time of upload to reflect the correct date.

Official Certified Shorthand Reporters (Employees) are required to upload their notes into ACORN by the next business day, but no later than every other Friday when payroll is due. In case of illness or emergency, as soon as practicable thereafter.

Pro Tem Certified Shorthand Reporters (Per Diem) are required to upload their notes into ACORN at the end of their assignment, prior to submitting their bill. If you do not have an account established with ACORN, you must contact the Court Calendar Manager at or (209) 725-4177, as soon as possible to get a user name and password. You will need to provide them with your name, e-mail address, CSR #, and CAT software. A User Manual, containing information for uploading files, can be found on the Imaging Technology Group website at: ACORN.

Note that pursuant to Government Code § 69955(d), court reporters are required to maintain an additional back-up copy of all notes.

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