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eFileCA Maintenance :

Please be advised that a planned maintenance is scheduled for Odyssey eFileCA on Saturday, February 8, 2025, from 5:30 am to 6:30 am, PST. E-Filing will not be available during this time. Tyler Technologies eFileCA may be reached at or by calling 1-800-297-5377.

Abuse & Harassment

Abuse & Harassment Protection

If you are in danger now, call 911

If you are being abused or harassed or are afraid of someone, you may be able to ask the Court for protection.

Restraining Order

A restraining order can be used to protect you from a person. You cannot file a restraining order against a business or an organization. If you want to file a restraining order against more than one person, you will need to complete a separate request for each person.

Types of Restraining Orders

There are different types of restraining orders. The type of restraining order you will file will depend on how you know the person you want to restrain, the age of the person being abused and the type of abuse or harassment. The chart below shows you the difference between the most common types of restraining orders.

You can get this kind of order if:

Elder or Dependent Abuse Restraining Order Domestic Violence Restraining Order Civil Harassment Restraining Order
You are 65 or older, or you are between 18 and 64 and have certain disabilities, and you are a victim of:
  • Physical or financial abuse
  • Neglect, abandonment, or isolation, or
  • Treatment that has physically or mentally hurt you.
You want to protect you and your family from someone:
  • You are dating (or used to date),
  • You are married to (or were married to),
  • You have a child with, or
  • You are closely related to (like a parent, child, brother or sister, grandparent, or grandchild, including stepparents, stepchildren, stepsiblings, and current in-laws)
You are worried about your safety because you are being:
  • Stalked,
  • Harassed,
  • Sexually assaulted, or
  • Threatened

By someone you do not have a close relationship with, like a neighbor, roommate, or someone you don’t know. This kind of order is NOT for people who have dated or are closely related.

It can order someone to:

Elder or Dependent Abuse Restraining Order Domestic Violence Restraining Order Civil Harassment Restraining Order
  • Not contact you in any way
  • Stay away from you and your home
  • Move out of your home
  • Not contact you in any way
  • Stay away from you, your home and your work
  • Move out of your home

The Court can also make orders about child custody and visitation, child support, spousal support, payments of certain bills, transferring rights to a cellphone number, and more.

  • Not contact you in any way
  • Stay away from you, your home (unless you are roommates), and your work

You can find additional information on restraining orders here: Different Types of Restraining Orders

You can also find this information in: Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Russian, Tagalog and Vietnamese.

Information on how to fill out your forms


Paper Form

You can download our current forms packet here:
Elder or Dependent Abuse Packet

You can print out your forms, fill them out and then file them with the Court.



You can also fill out your forms online:

Step 1: Click on the following link: Online Form Preparation.
There is an instructional video on this page to help you with filling out your forms.

Step 2: Click on the link for ‘Request for Elder Abuse Restraining Order’ under RESTRAINING ORDERS. You will answer questions and at the end your forms will be prepared for you.

You can then print them, sign them, and file them with the Court. There is no fee to file your request


Paper Form

You can download our current forms packet here:
Domestic Violence Restraining Order Packet

If you and the restrained party have children together and you want to ask for custody/visitation orders, then you will use this packet:
Domestic Violence Restraining Order – With Custody

You can print out your forms, fill them out and then file them with the Court.



You can also fill out your forms online:

Step 1: Click on the following link: Online Form Preparation.
There is an instructional video on this page to help you with filling out your forms.

Step 2: Click on the link for ‘Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order’ under RESTRAINING ORDERS. You will answer questions and at the end your forms will be prepared for you.

You can then print them, sign them, and file them with the Court. There is no fee to file your request.


Paper Form

You can download our current forms packet here:
Civil Harassment Packet. 
You can print out your forms, fill them out and then file them with the Court.



You can also fill out your forms online:

Step 1: Click on the following link: Online Form Preparation.
There is an instructional video on this page to help you with filling out your forms.

Step 2: Click on the link for ‘Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Order’ under RESTRAINING ORDERS. You will answer questions and at the end your forms will be prepared for you.

You can then print them, sign them, and file them with the Court.

There is a $435 filing fee to file your request. You can ask the Judge to waive the fees to file your request if the restrained party used or threatened to use violence against you, has stalked you, or has acted or spoken in some way for you to reasonably fear violence. You can also ask the Court to waive the fees if you qualify for a Fee Waiver. If you need to request a Fee Waiver, please find information and forms on our Fee Waiver page.

If you have been served with a civil restraining order, you MUST comply with the temporary orders that have been made. The temporary orders cannot be changed and will be in place until the hearing date listed on your forms. Read the temporary order carefully. If you disobey the order, you can go to jail or be fined.

This section provides you with information on how to respond to an Elder or Dependent Abuse Restraining Order, Domestic Violence Restraining Order, or Civil Harassment Restraining Order.


If you have a criminal case related to the abuse or violence, it is very important that you speak to a lawyer before you take any action in the restraining order case. Anything you say or write in your response can be used against you in your criminal case.


Paper Form

You can download our current forms packet here:
Response to Elder Abuse Restraining Order.
You can print out your forms, fill them out and then file them with the Court.



You can also fill out your forms online:

Step 1: Click on the following link: Online Form Preparation.
There is an instructional video on this page to help you with filling out your forms.

Step 2: Click on the link for ‘Respond to a Request for Elder Abuse Restraining Order’ under RESTRAINING ORDERS. You will answer questions and at the end your forms will be prepared for you.

You can then print them, sign them, and file them with the Court. There is no fee to file your request.


Paper Form

You can download our current forms packet here:
Response to Domestic Violence Restraining Order. 

You can print out your forms, fill them out and then file them with the Court.



You can also fill out your forms online:

Step 1: Click on the following link: Online Form Preparation.
There is an instructional video on this page to help you with filling out your forms.

Step 2: Click on the link for ‘Respond to a Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order’ under RESTRAINING ORDERS. You will answer questions and at the end your forms will be prepared for you.

You can then print them, sign them, and file them with the Court


Paper Form

You can download our current forms packet here:
Response to Civil Harassment Restraining Order. 
You can print out your forms, fill them out and then file them with the Court.



You can also fill out your forms online:

Step 1: Click on the following link: Online Form Preparation.
There is an instructional video on this page to help you with filling out your forms.

Step 2: Click on the link for ‘Respond to a Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Order’ under RESTRAINING ORDERS. You will answer questions and at the end your forms will be prepared for you.

You can then print them, sign them, and file them with the Court

Self-Help Center

The Self-Help Center can help you fill out your forms and answer your questions regarding Restraining Orders. For information on how to get help, visit the Self-Help Center page.

Internal Resources

Internal resources can only be accessed from inside the Self-Help Center.

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