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eFileCA Maintenance :

Please be advised that a planned maintenance is scheduled for Odyssey eFileCA on Saturday, February 8, 2025, from 5:30 am to 6:30 am, PST. E-Filing will not be available during this time. Tyler Technologies eFileCA may be reached at or by calling 1-800-297-5377.

Human Resources

The Court As An Employer

The Court employs approximately 150 people in 10+ job classifications, ranging from clerical support to professional level positions.

Court employment is governed by the Trial Court Employment Protection and Governance Act and is not covered by Civil Service Rules.

The Court is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages applications from all persons regardless of their race, ethnic background, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age or disability.

For career information and openings, please visit the Career Opportunities page.

Click on the topics below for more information.

The Court offers medical, dental and vision insurance coverage to employees and their dependents. There is an Anthem Blue Cross EPO medical plan, a dental plan provided by Delta Dental and a vision plan provided by Vision Service Plan (VSP).

The Court provides a mandatory, basic term life insurance, payable to a designated beneficiary. The Court also offers optional supplemental term life insurance. For most employee groups, there is mandatory participation in the State Disability Insurance program.

Full-time employees receive thirteen (13) paid holidays per year.

Depending on the position, full-time employees earn a minimum rate of eleven (11) days per year for the first five years, with increases at designated intervals in subsequent years, based on hours worked.

Full-time employees accrue twelve (12) days of sick leave per year, which may accumulate on an unlimited basis.

All full-time employees are eligible to participate in a voluntary flexible spending plan.

Court employees participate in the MercedCERA defined benefit retirement plan under the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 (CERL). The specific plan depends on the employee's hire date and provisions of the California Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA). All full-time employees are enrolled in the plan. Plan benefits are based on age at time of retirement, years of service and compensation. The retirement plan has reciprocity with other 1937 Act Retirement System organizations and California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS). MercedCERA may be contacted at (209) 726-2724.

All full-time employees may participate in a voluntary Internal Revenue Code Section 457 deferred compensation plan paid 100% by the employee.

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